Tuesday, May 1, 2007

38 Weeks!

The weeks are flying by! I went to the doctor again today and things are progressing. I'm a little over 1 cm dilated and my cervix has effaced to 1 cm (from 3cm...this is a good thing). The doctor was going to do something with the membranes around the cervix, which "could" bring on delivery sooner, but I would rather my body let things happen. We'll see how I feel next week :)

Craig and I are trying to make the most of our last couple weeks. We went to a Tigers game on Sunday and Monday...they won both games...goooo TIGERS! We just went to a movie tonight, we figure it will probably be years before we go to another one. Not only because we are going to have a baby, but because we really aren't movie watchers :)

Well keep an eye on the blog, I'll try to most something when I go into labor.

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